Trauma Counselling – How to Become a Trauma Counselor


Trauma is a response that your body has when you experience an incredibly stressful or traumatic event. This response can leave a lasting impact on your mental health, physical health and even life as a whole. The reaction to trauma can be triggered by things like witnessing a violent crime, being harmed physically or emotionally or suffering the loss of a loved one.

Counselling after a traumatic event can help you heal from this reaction and find positive ways to cope with it. Trauma-focused therapy can be provided in person, online or through a combination of both.

How to Become a Trauma Counselor

As a trauma counselor, you can work with people who have experienced any type of traumatic event and are struggling to manage their symptoms. Trauma counselors are trained to assess their patients’ mental health and offer appropriate treatments.

A master’s degree is usually needed to work as a trauma counselor. This can increase your chances of finding employment and can also give you advanced training that will be beneficial once you start working in this field.

Becoming a Trauma Counselor

A career as a trauma counselor requires an understanding of how the brain works and how to work with clients who have PTSD. You can get this knowledge by completing a bachelor’s degree program in psychology or a related subject, such as mental health counseling.

You should also earn a master’s degree in either trauma or mental health counselling, which will equip you with the knowledge to assess your clients and recommend the best treatment options for them. This will also prepare you for the job of managing a caseload and providing support to your clients during the course of their recovery.

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Build Professional Experience for Trauma Counseling

Most jobs for trauma counselors require candidates to have a few years of counseling experience before they can be fully hired. This is because a career in trauma counselling Sydney requires specialized skills and knowledge that can only be developed through experience and practice.

Use Your Senses for Healing

A trauma counselor can use their clients’ senses to help them work through the symptoms of PTSD. For example, they might use the senses of sight, sound and touch to help a client feel more grounded in their surroundings.

Therapists can also use the senses for relaxation techniques, deep breathing and physical exercise to encourage their clients to get out of their heads and into their bodies.

Cognitive Processing Therapy

Cognitive processing therapy is a common trauma treatment that targets problematic or irrational thoughts. This type of therapy can be particularly helpful for those who have a lot of shame about their traumatic events and need help reevaluating how they think about their experiences.

It can also be helpful for those who have difficulty dealing with triggers and can’t seem to break free from them, or those who have trouble remembering certain details.

Complex PTSD and Behavioral Management

If you’re suffering from CPTSD, it is essential that you find a Psychology therapist who can work with you on a deeper level to understand the underlying causes of your symptoms and help you develop healthier coping mechanisms. A qualified therapist will be able to use techniques like eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy and brainspotting, both of which can reduce flashbacks and intrusive memories quickly.

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